Prof. Ahmed Agyapong holds PhD in Strategic Management from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Prof. Agyapong lectures in strategic management and Policy, Marketing Management, Competitive Analysis and Sociology. Prof. Agyapong is a researcher specialized in Corporate Development and strategic management of organizations. His research interests are focused on issues of entrepreneurship development in the informal sector, management strategy execution for performance development. He serves as a mentor, consultant and trainer with private and public organizations at both national and international levels. He coordinates a research and intervention programme aimed at improving the practices of strategic management in micro, small and large scale companies in the perspective of achieving better results. Prof. Agyapong was the Head of Department for the Marketing and Corporate Strategy. He was also the Vice Dean and Acting Dean for the School of Business, KNUST for the 2015/2016 academic year.
- Agyapong, A., Amanor, K., and Poku, K. (2016), Antecedents To The Implementation Of Hybrid Strategy In A Dynamic Business Environment — An Econometric Analysis Of Business Decisions In Ghana, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2016) 1650025
- Acquaah, M. & Agyapong, A. (2016) Dynamic Tensions from Management Control Systems and Performance in a Sub-Saharan African Economy: Mediating Effects of Competitive Strategy, African Journal of Management, Volume 2, Issue 4
- Agyapong, A. and Acquaah, M. (2015). The Relationship between Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance in Micro and Small Businesses in Ghana: The Moderating Role of Managerial and Marketing Capabilities, African Journal of Management.
- Agyapong, A., Osei, H. V. and Akomea, S. Y. (2015) Marketing Capability, Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Micro And Small Family Businesses In Ghana, Journal of Developmental Entpreneurship,Vol. 20, No. 4
- Agyapong, A. and Acquaah, M. (2016). The Direct and Indirect Effects of Innovative Capability on Firm Performance: Evidence from Micro and Small Family Businesses in Ghana. In Acquaah, M, (Ed) Family Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa: Behavioral and Strategic Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Agyapong, A. Ellis, F. and Domeher, D. (2016). Competitive Strategy and Performance of Family Businesses: Moderating Effect of Managerial and Innovative Capabilities. Journal of small business and entrepreneurship.
- Mensah, K. M., Agyapong, A., Nuertey, D. (2017). The effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment of employees of rural and community banks in Ghana, Cogent Business and Management
- Asiedu-Appiah, F., Agyapong, A. And Lituchy, T. R. (2016). Leadership in Ghana. In Lituchy, T. R., Galperin, B. L. And Punnett, B. J. (Ed) LEAD: Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the African Diaspora, Palgrave Macmillan
- Agyapong, F. O., Agyapong, A., and Poku, K. (2016). Nexus between social capital and performance of micro and small firms in an Emergingeconomy: the mediating role of innovation. Cogent Business and Management (2017)
- Agyapong A., and Muntaka, A.S. (2012). “Strategic Planning and Performance of Businesses in Ghana: A Comparative Study of Micro, Small, and Large Firms.” International Business and Economic Research Journal, Vol 11, No. 11, pp.1261-1268.
- Agyapong, A., Amanor, K., and Muntaka, A. S. (2012). “Strategic Uncertainty and Environmental Scanning Behavior among CEOs in Ghana.” International Business & Economics Research Journal –Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 1411-1420.
- Agyapong, A. and Boakye, R. B. (2012). “Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage in Family Businesses in Ghana: The Role of Strategic Leadership.” Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol.29, No. 2, pp. 531-542.
- Agyapong, A., Nkrumah F. K. (2012). “Service Quality and Customer Choice of Mobile Telecommunication Service Providers in Ghana: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 100.
- Appiah, N., Agyapong, A., and Asamoah, K. (2012). Effect of Commercialisation Policy on the Performance of CSIR- Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, Vol. 28 (1).
- Agyapong A. and Amanor K. (2012). Effects of Organisational Structure on Project Performance in the Gold Mining Sector in Ghana: Journal of African Economics and Finance ISSN 1968-4582 Issue 4 @ Euro Journal, Inc.
- Agyapong A. and Appiah K. O (2010). Taxation in Ghana, Journal of Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana. ISSN:2026-5727
- Agyapong, A. (2012) Enterprise education for small artisanal businesses: A case study of Sokoban Wood Village, Ghana. In Mai ThiThanh Thai and Turkina, Ekaterina, Entrepreneurship In the informal Economy: Models, Approaches and Perspectives for Economic Development, Rout ledge, (With Obeng, Bernard, K. Richard).
- Acquaah, M., & Agyapong, A. (2015). “Does Business Strategy Moderate the Relationship Between Innovative Capability and Competitive Advantage? Evidence from Micro and Small Family Businesses in Ghana.” A paper presented at the 6th Business and Entrepreneurship in Africa Conference, Syracuse, NY, April 16-18.
- Agyapong A., & Acquaah, M. (2015). “Does Organizational Capability Moderate the Business Strategy – Firm Performance Relationship in Micro and Small Businesses in Ghana? A paper presented at the 16th International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, May 13-16.
- Acquaah, M., & Agyapong, A. K. (2014). Innovative capabilities, competitive strategy and firm performance in family businesses in Ghana. A paper presented at the 15th International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, Bridgetown, Barbados, May 26-29.
Book Chapter
- Enterprise education for small artisanal businesses: A case study of Sokoban Wood Village, Ghana. In Mai ThiThanh Thai and Turkina, Ekaterina, Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy: Models, Approaches and Perspectives for Economic Development, Routledge, 2012. (With Obeng, Bernard and Blundel, K. Richard),
Courses Taught:
- Strategic Management and Policy,
- Marketing Management and Strategy,
- Brand Management,
- Competitive Strategy,
- Sociology

PhD, MA (Social Work & Welfare Studies - UK), MBA (Strategic Management- UK),BA (Sociology with pol. Sc. - Legon), Dip (Marketing - CIM - UK)